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SBCN – Society for BioChromatography and Nanoseparations

SBCN – Society for BioChromatography and Nanoseparations

The Society for BioChromatography and Nanoseparations, or SBCN (previously European Society of BioChromatography – ESBC) is a scientific organization founded in 1986.

The Society for BioChromatography and Nanoseparations:

  • is dedicated to the development and refinement of biochromatography and bioseparation technologies;
  • facilitates collaboration and communication between members;
  • encourages the training and the participation to scientific meetings of scientists and students in biochromatography and bioseparation.

SBCN meetings are organized every two years to present last biochromatography and nanosepration innovations. Moreover, workshops and one-day symposiums are organized every year, in collaboration with industrial partners.

The fantastic domain of biochromatography and nanoseparation develops permanently in a thrilling manner. This meeting will be a perfect occasion to learn new concepts, stay uptated and exchange with all the participants:

  • young scientists and graduate students will get an overview of scientific fields and will improve their knowledges in a casual atmosphere,
  • senior scientists will conveniently stay updated, share their experience with young scientists and meet colleagues and friends,
  • companies will have the opportunity to display their key products and encounter their customers.

At ” Gene to vial” in 2010 at VIT University (India), the Society for Biochromatography and Nanoseparations conferred the first Viji Award on promising and nominated young reseachers in recognition of their contributions to the field of bioseparation technology.

This contest consists in promoting young scientists in the field of bioseparation.

PhD students and young Post-Doctoral (within 2 years after PhD) candidates

This prize has been named VIJI AWARD in honor to Professor M.A. Vijayalakshmi which was one of the founders of the SBCN for all her work and her passion for separative science and education.